Rick WarrenThe Spiritual Direction of Rick Warren

“As Rick Warren moves ahead toward his global peace agenda, working with virtually anyone or any group who rallies behind him, he has moved to the forefront of evangelical leaders who are propagating the contemplative prayer movement (i.e., spiritual formation). In essence, he has become an evangelist for contemplative spirituality. For those who realize that contemplative (that is mystical meditation) is the driving force behind the kingdom-now, heaven-on-earth emerging church movement, this is an alarming deduction.” From Rick Warren Plays “Catch Me If You Can” While Promoting Mysticism


Rick Warren And Leonard Sweet Riding The “Tides Of Change” On The Heels Of Mysticism

Resisters Leave Or Die

Saddleback Church Is A Contemplative Church


1. Rick Warren encourages the use of Breath Prayers in Purpose Driven Life (pp. 89, 299) and on pastors.com

2. Pastors.com recommends several contemplatives: Brennan Manning, Henri Nouwen, Richard Foster, Thomas Merton, Jan Johnson and many more.

3. Kay Warren Recommends Henri Nouwen’s book, In The Name Of Jesus, and says this about Nouwen’s book, “[I]t hits at the heart of the minister… I highlighted almost every word!”

4. Warren speaks in 2004 At The National Pastor’s Convention (put on by Youth Specialties) where Yoga, Labyrinths and Contemplative Prayer are used and promoted.

5. Rick Warren integrated Youth Specialties and Group Publishing leaders (who are very contemplative) to train at his 2005 Purpose Driven Youth Ministry convention. Youth Conference Speakers

6. Rick Warren And The Aspen Institute [Research Paper on Aspen Institute]


New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet, who trained church leaders and pastors at the 2008 Saddleback Small Groups Conference, is accepted by Rick Warren as a trustworthy source of Christian leadership. However, Sweet’s view of the value of small groups lines up more with the New Age and Alice Bailey than it does with biblical Christianity. In his book, Quantum Spirituality, Sweet states:

“The power of small groups is in their ability to develop the discipline to get people “in-phase” with the Christ consciousness and connected with one another.”

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“Rick Warren and others say we need to pay attention to the emerging church. Things are changing, they say and the “emerging church” has the answers for our generation. But what will the emerging church emerge into? Could it be a form of Christianity that embraces experience rather than God’s Word?” –Roger Oakland, Understand the Times.

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Rick Warren uses the paraphrase, The Message, for much of his writings. We bring this to your attention because we believe too many people are using The Message as a literal translation, which it is not.


“Warren teaches that God ‘created the church to meet your five deepest needs’ just as the Roman Catholic Church says, ‘The Church is the mother of all believers.’ Warren, like Rome, has switched from obedience to the Word and Person of the Living God to submission to a church to achieve one’s needs. It is the oldest and cleverest temptation known to man.”

–Richard Bennett, The Adulation Of Man In The Purpose-Driven Life

“The Purpose Driven Life maintains and promotes a poor theology stemming from an inadequate bibliology. Verses are used out of context…” –Tim Todd

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“The video on exponential growth, presented by Warren, is one of the most shocking teachings I have ever seen emerge.”

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Rick Warren’s Push for Ecumenical Unity

Posted by on Sep 1, 2014 in Blog, Emergent Leaders, Rick Warren | 1 comment

Rick Warren’s Push for Ecumenical Unity

Courtesy of Proclaiming the Gospel & Stand Up for Truth The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), a Catholic television station, conducted an interview with Rick Warren that reveals how much he embraces the Roman Catholic religion and his push for ecumenical unity. During the interview Warren praises all the Catholic mystics and the Pope over and over again. At the 24:20 mark, Warren says “he watches EWTN more than any Christian channel.” He said if you don’t understand the roots of your faith you’re like a...

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Rick Warren’s New Book “Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life” Awash With Doctrines of Demons

Posted by on Nov 21, 2013 in Blog, Contemplative Prayer, Emergent Leaders, New Age, Rick Warren | 4 comments

Rick Warren’s New Book “Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life” Awash With Doctrines of Demons

By Marsha West Rick Warren is one of America’s most influential Christian ministers. He’s so popular that many folks call him “America’s Pastor.” Warren has earned a reputation as larger than life and until a couple of years ago he was large around the middle! Because of health concerns he decided to shed a few pounds. But why go it alone? After all, he had his own personal cheering section if he wanted it – Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, an evangelical megachurch he started in 1980. Thirty-three...

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Rick Warren Now Cozier With Islam?

Posted by on Nov 5, 2013 in Blog, Rick Warren | Comments Off on Rick Warren Now Cozier With Islam?

Rick Warren Now Cozier With Islam?

(WND – October 8, 2013) Megachurch pastor Rick Warren, who often has drawn criticism in the Christian community regarding his engagement with Islam, is stirring the pot again. This time he’s tweeted about a visit from Yusuf Islam, who was Cat Stevens before he became a radical Muslim. On his @RickWarren account, Warren said: “Legendary Cat Stevens came by to see me today as I worked at home on a sermon.” The tweet includes an image of the two: The statement immediately drew a reaction from Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, who noted...

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Calvary Chapel & Purpose Driven Pastors Doing Yoga?

Posted by on Nov 20, 2012 in Blog, Contemplative Prayer, Discernment, New Age, Rick Warren | 23 comments

By Chris Lawson Spiritual Research Network Calvary Chapel & Purpose Driven Pastors Doing Yoga? (11:12) from Chris Lawson on Vimeo. Not only do we cover Yoga and contemplative prayer in The Submerging Church, but we also highly recommend Caryl Matrisciana’s video “Yoga Uncoiled: From East to West” which provides an in-depth look into Yoga and its origins. You can learn more and order the DVD at...

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Rick Warren and Saddleback Celebrate Halloween

Posted by on Nov 2, 2012 in Blog, Discernment, Rick Warren | Comments Off on Rick Warren and Saddleback Celebrate Halloween

Rick Warren and Saddleback Celebrate Halloween

By Tony Palacio On October 31, 2012 the Orange County Register’s Erika Ritchie reported: “Saddleback Church event drew families from throughout Orange County for an evening of fun.” The article goes on to report how “Warren sat and took photos with kids in their costumes. He said he’d thought about dressing up as Iron Man but decided kids might not want a photo with him in that disguise.” So what is “America’s Pastor” doing celebrating a “holiday” that is so clearly at enmity...

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