Rob Bell Affirms Gay “Christians” & Brian McClaren Is Really Happy

By Ken Silva

Apprising Ministries

A couple of weeks ago Apprising Ministries brought you Rob Bell Comes Out Gay Affirming; it doesn’t exactly come as a shock to you considering my longtime coverage of Rob Bell, the former rock star pastor of the neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church operating within the Emerging Church.

You can hear it for yourself in this exclusive AM video clip from the Q&A session following “Still Painting,” a live stream event July 24, 2012 which featured Bell from a stripper bar that is called The Viper Room in West Hollywood rambling on with some rather inane stories:

[GF NOTE & CLARIFICATION: The Viper Room is mostly known/used as a nightclub and venue for live music. Yes, strippers have performed there (eg. for private functions, etc.), but it is not primarily known/used for stripping.]

This brings us to a tweet today [August 6, 2012] from Living Spiritual Teacher and EC guru Brian McLaren—two-thirds of the EC unholy trinity along with universalist EC pastor Doug Pagitt, and his friend Dr. Tony Jones, the progressive “theologian in residence” at Solomon’s Porch:


Ah, the reunion tour as Bell returns home to his mentor Brian McLaren. The link takes us to McLaren’s blog post “Read the Spirit interviews Rob Bell” … I first told you about David Crumm and his Read The Spirit website almost four years ago now in Is Rob Bell Evangelical?

[GF NOTE: We recently learned of Crumm’s Read the Spirit website when we came across their glowing article promoting Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting and one of the five pillars of Islam. This article also suggests and promotes a book by Najah Bazzy called, “The Beauty of Ramadan.”]

It truly is an inter spiritual hodge podge of heresy. You know, come to think of it, no wonder Rob Bell’s so at home there. McLaren zeroes us in on this section:

DAVID: I’ve got to say that—after watching the Viper Room video—one of the refreshing new messages you now apparently feel free to express in a straight-foward way is this: Let’s quit beating up on gay people in the church. You put it very simply: “Some people are gay and they’re our brothers and sisters and we love them.” Then, you go on to affirm that there are good, solid gay Christians in our churches and you say that we all ought to just get over this issue, accept our gay brothers and sisters—and move on with the work of the church.

What’s most remarkable about that segment of the video is: You seem so relaxed in saying that simple yet important thing. You’re smiling. You’ve got to be breathing a sigh of relief that you’re able to say this now without a panel of church elders to whom you’ve got to answer—or other critics in the church. So, what I want to know is: Does it feel good to get that off your chest?

ROB: I am smiling right now at that question. I am smiling.

It was a joy and honor and privilege to be part of a local church. It was absolutely amazing through all those years, but believe me—I know what you are describing here on a cellular level. Yeah. That’s all there is to say—yeah. I am smiling.


McLaren then muses:

It’s been six-and-a-half years since I left the pastorate, and while I had a wonderful group of church elders – no complaints there – I remember (as Rob said, “on a cellular level”) – the challenge of dealing with “critics in the church,” and more – the challenge of wanting to speak freely and honestly without causing harm and division to the congregation I loved and served.

I’m happy for Rob – and for the effects his increased freedom of speech will have on us all. I’m smiling too.


Seriously; Bell and McLaren are happy to lie to precious LGBT people, for whom Christ died, leaving them in the bondage of their sin and still under the wrath of God. Sad, indeed. Well, that’s why three years ago I asked the key question: But Do Emergence Christianity And Brian McLaren Really Love Gay People?

The obvious answer is: No, they don’t. You see, if they did, then they’d tell them the truth: No one practicing sin of ANY kind in an unrepentant manner will enter the Kingdom. For it is written:

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. –1 Corinthians 6:9-10

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