A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists)

A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists)

Written & Compiled by Chris Lawson It is no secret these days that Christian bookstore and ministry resource databases are often jam-packed with so-called Christian resources that are actually promoting anything but biblical Christianity. Special care may be taken by bookstore owners and ministry leaders alike to ensure that ministry and business are “in order,” but, when a close look is...

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U2′s Bono, Unorthodox Superman

U2′s Bono, Unorthodox Superman

By Elliott Nesch Holy Bible Prophecy Once again, Bono’s hip and cool Christianity has deceived many in recent days, from Focus on the Family to World Net Daily. Joe Kovacs’ article entitled “U2′s Bono: Yes, Jesus is the Son of God,” presents quotes from Bono and U2 band members over the years affirming their Christian faith. For instance, Bono is quoted, “I believe that Jesus was, you know, the...

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Commercialized Apologetics

Commercialized Apologetics

By Mike Oppenheimer Let Us Reason Ministries Commercialization is seen in nearly everything today (not just on TV or in magazines) presenting professional images to convince the public that particular products are superior. It can be a music group, a household good, a car, and even religion, church, or a ministry. In selling a product, image is everything as the advertisers make their appeal to...

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Henry Blackaby and “Experiencing God”

Henry Blackaby and “Experiencing God”

By Ken Silva Apprising Ministries …they are full of things from the east and of fortune-tellers like the Philistines, and they strike hands with the children of foreigners. –Isaiah 2:6 Opening The Door For CSM In The “Protestant” SBC Apprising Ministries is one of the few laborers in the Lord which is addressing the current drift away from sola Scriptura in contemporary evangelicalism....

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Kundalini Energy (The Effects of Soaking Prayer)

Kundalini Energy (The Effects of Soaking Prayer)

This article originally appeared on Lighthouse Trails Research Note: Because “soaking prayer” is becoming increasingly popular, and because we believe the effects of it are potentially dangerous (kundalini), we are posting this warning by Ray Yungen. By Ray Yungen An excerpt from his book A Time of Departing Many Christians might have great difficulty accepting the assessment that what is termed...

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